All posts by Allyn

The Nuns’ Honus Wagner Baseball Card Sale

School Sisters of Notre DameDecember of 2010 was a special month for the School Sisters of Notre Dame, an order of Roman Catholic nuns. It was special because they received $220,000 when they completed a Honus Wagner baseball card sale that had previously fallen apart.

It’s a story with a happy ending for both the nuns and the buyer. Let me share a bit of the story with you.

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Who Has The Largest Sports Memorabilia Collection

Yankees Memorabilia
Yankees Memorabilia [Mark | Flickr | CC BY-ND 2.0]
Over the years, a number of individuals have accumulated vast private collections of sports memorabilia. These collections are so broad that it is impossible to know who truly has the largest sports memorabilia collection.

It is estimated that there are 50 to 100 serious memorabilia collectors in the United States. They typically have acquired their items through private dealers and auction houses.

Who are these individuals and how did they go about collecting what they have? A search of the internet reveals a number of amazing stories. This article shares the stories of two of these private collectors, both of whom have a large amount of baseball memorabilia.

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Tabletop Baseball Pinball Games

Heavy Hitter pinball game
Vintage Pinball Game – Heavy Hitter

Remember the vintage pinball machine games, like Heavy Hitter, that played a game of baseball? Now you can find a number of tabletop baseball pinball games on the market that can provide hours of fun individually or for an entire family.

In this post I will describe four tabletop games that operate pinball style.

Though most are rated for 8 years old and above, they are simple enough that they can be played by younger children with proper supervision. The age rating results from the use of small metal balls and the dexterity needed to handle the games.
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